Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Christmas season has arrived

We have been busy decorating the Woodlawn for the holiday season. It seems that holidays like Christmas arrive quicker every year. Its a very busy time for everyone and before we realize January will arrive. Also, I wanted to mention to all of our guests that the Town of Cobourg yesterday launched its annual Christmas Magic, a much loved lit-tree display at Victoria Park. Victoria Park is a short walk from The Woodlawn. A pretty route to get to the park is to go down College street. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

The winter menu is now available

I am pleased to announce that the winter menu is now available. In the winter there is nothing quite like having an excellent dinner at The Woodlawn Inn, near the fireplace and savouring a fine wine. Perhaps a malbec? Although today was 14C, I know that in a few days and the snow will be here. We would love to have you over for dinner. You can see our new winter dinner menu on the Rates, Menu page of our website.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Christmas Eve & New Year's Celebrations

I know that many will be making their Christmas and holiday plans very soon, and Chef John O'Leary and I have just finalized the holiday menus. The Christmas Eve and New Year's details can be viewed on our rates, menus page under the Dining Room. In keeping with our tradition The Woodlawn Inn will be closed on December 25 and 26th. We are sorry if that comes as a dissapointment, but it's the only two days that the inn closes during the year. I hope everyone has has a joyful holiday. 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation Gala

My wife Jennifer and I attended the NHH Foundation annual gala last Saturday. It was a very enjoyable evening, the band was terrific and we literally danced all night. The Woodlawn Inn donated a prize consisting of four two-night stays at Ontario's Finest Inns properties and other OFI goodies. The prize raised $2100.00. The money raised goes towards diagnostic imaging equipment at NHH. Thanks goes out to The Oban Inn and O Spa, The Inn On The Twenty, The Gannannaoque Inn, Sam Jake's Inn and Kathy Nichol, director of Ontario's Finest Inns. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

A wine event in the making

We just recently booked Robert Ghezzo to assist with a Ruffino wines dinner. Robert will be here at the inn on Friday January 30th for a winemaker's dinner. The evening will include reception wines, hors d'oeuvres and a five-course dinner matched with five different wines. Ruffino is about 100 years old, and they have wine holdings throughout Italy including Tuscany and Friuli. Get in touch with me if you would like to book a table. My email is or call 905-372-2235 ext112. The cost is $95.00 per person. Taxes are extra.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

An Introduction


I'm Stephen Della Casa, one of the innkeepers at The Woodlawn Inn. With this blog I hope to keep everone up to date on The Woodlawn Inn, and my interests which include, wine, travel, and photography.